Active in social justice advocacy in the Hamilton Area since prior to the actual formation of the United Nations and UNAC, the UNAC Hamilton Branch continues to be a force locally for the principles and directions of the United Nations. UNAC Hamilton Branch is a registered charity, with a board of directors and has 70 members within a 50 K radius of Hamilton’s City Centre. The Board meets the second Friday of each month from September – May from 4-6 PM at the First Unitarian Church of Hamilton, 170 Dundurn St S. Hamilton. All members are welcome to attend Board meetings and visitors are most welcome too. Our meeting time is spent planning events and following up on items initiated and supportive by the UNAC National Office in Ottawa.
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UNAC Hamilton Branch organizes 2 or 3 public events per year, often in partnership with other local organizations, focusing on issues related to one of the UN Days and relating to the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The purpose is to raise awareness of the issues (e.g., the environment and climate change, gender-based violence, refugees), learn about local actions to address the issues, and to stimulate further participatory action.

UNAC Hamilton Branch occasionally engages in projects, such as the creation and publication of the book "Waging Peace in Hamilton--1960 to 2017", and the "peace garden" behind city hall, in partnership with other organizations.

Click this link to find out how to join the Hamilton Branch and/or to donate to one of the national projects.
Anyone is welcome to join our branch. We meet monthly on the second Friday of each month at 4:00 to 6:00 pm. If you are interested in coming to a meeting to check us out and learn more about what we do, please send a message through the ‘contact us’ link.